The biggest shocking news is here. The education company leader has been found dead. yes, this news is true. This news has been recently announced by the authorities. The education company entrepreneurs Rakesh and Teena Kamal and their teenage daughter have been found dead. Their bodies were discovered by police officers and they were found deceased in the $5.7 million mansion which is located in Dover, Massachusetts. This news has sent shockwaves. The people who were part of their community of education company are in a big shock right now. This is a very serious case that is currently being investigated. Now read this article entirely to learn the details of this case.
Who were Teena and Rakesh Kamal?
According to the Norfolk County District Michael Morrissey, on 29th December 2023, Friday, police officers discovered the dead bodies of education company entrepreneurs Rakesh and Teena Kamal and their teenage daughter. Their bodies were found in the $5.7 mansion in Dover, Massachusetts. If we look at the age of the victims Teena Kamal died at the age of 54, Rakesh Kamal died at the age of 57, and their daughter whose name was Arianna Kamal died at the age of 18. Scroll down to the next paragraph of this article to learn more about this case.

Teena and Rakesh Kamal were the leaders at a Massachusetts company that markets educational systems. The Better Business Bureau lists the Kamals as the president and CEO of eduNova. Rakesh name is given as Rick Kamal. The company was launched in 2016 and then it got dissolved in 2021. Their daughter Arianna Kamal was a college student and mentor. She was pursuing studies at Middlebury College where she was studying neuroscience. This information has been received by her LinkedIn account. It has been reported by the DA that the cause of death of the victims would be determined by the medical examiner. A gun was used in the deaths and the gun was found near the dead body of Rakesh.

The police of Dover received a call at 7:24 yesterday from a family member who was doing a well-being check at the mansion. When police reached the mansion, so they discovered three dead bodies inside the mansion. DA has stated that the residence is in a safe community, a nice neighborhood, where the last homicide happened in 2020. It is very rare and shocking to have this kind of violence. More details to be shared till then keep following techballad.