One Piece Episode 1073: Release date and time

One Piece series fans, now all of you should be worried because you will not have to be patient anymore for the next episode of One Piece, Yaneki Episode 1073 because we have brought complete details of Episode 1073 of One Piece for you in this article. As you all were asking when will Episode 1073 of One Piece be released, at what time it will be released, and on which platforms it is going to release, and many more questions. So let us answer all your questions, but for all your questions, you will have to do a little work, you will have to stay with us till the end of the article when you will be able to know.

One Piece Episode 1073

One Piece Episode 1073

This new episode is going to be a lot of fun since there will be lots of action, adventure, and suspense. Since every character has contributed, it must now be your favorite series. Regarding earlier episodes, you must have seen One Piece episode 1072, which was centered on the conflict between Kaido and Luffy. More of Luffy’s new skills are displayed, and Kaido learns that the Devil Fruit’s capabilities were what allowed Luffy to take on his new form. At the end of the episode, Luffy is momentarily rendered inoperable due to the physical repercussions of employing Gear 5 on his body.

One Piece Episode 1073

Let’s begin with One Piece Episode 1073’s narrative. The final phase of the significant fight in Onigashima is depicted in the most recent 31-second glimpse of One Piece episode 1073. The title of the upcoming episode is “No Way Out! A Hellish Scene on Onigashima.” At this point, Luffy may decide to quit utilizing Gear 5 mode as they battle one more time. After several events, the heroes are on the verge of triumph. Jimbei and the others are seen attempting to escape a structure in the caravan. To aid others, they wish to put out a fire. Raizo is there, though, and it appears that he wants to fight. If they fight, we’ll have to watch the show to find out.

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So let us now give you the main information that where this episode is going to rock and when it is going to release. According to the information, it has been told that One Piece episode 1073 episode will be released in a week on 20 August 2023 at 9:30 am. So go ahead and enjoy One Piece Episode 1073 of this anime with your anime partner. And also don’t forget to follow us for more latest updates.

Gurleen Kaur

I'm a science graduate from the Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria. My passion for writing has brought me to into the field of content.