More Upcoming Lance Reddick Content in Destiny 2

Bungie has confirmed that Commander Zavala, who is played by Lance Reddick in Destiny 2, will continue to have his voice used in future content. The Destiny 2 community was shocked by Lance Reddick’s de@th this past week.

Reddick was not only the voice of one of the most well-known non-player characters in Destiny 2, but he was also a big fan of the game and very involved in its community. Fans of Reddick may find comfort in the fact that he has recorded more content for Destiny 2.

Lance Reddick died on March 17 at the age of 60. His de@th was sudden and out of the blue. Destiny 2 players will always remember him as Zavala, but Reddick was a veteran actor who was known for many memorable roles. He played Cedric Daniels on The Wire for six years and 60 episodes.

He also played Phillip Broyles on Fringe for 90 episodes. More recently, he was a star on Corporate, Bosch, and Paradise PD. He is best known for playing Charon in the John Wick movie series. And in video games, he played Sylens in the Horizon series and had parts in Quantum Break, Payday 2, and even 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand.

Do you know that a lot of Destiny 2 players went to the Tower to remember Lance Reddick? Guardians went to Commander Zavala, whose voice Reddick is known for, to pay their respects when they heard the news:

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Even so, Destiny 2 will always be closely linked to Reddick’s legacy. Since the first Destiny game came out in 2014, Zavala has been an important part of the series. What has made Zavala one of the most popular NPCs in Destiny is not necessarily the character, but the voice actor, Lance Reddick.

He’s sent nice messages to Destiny 2 players, liked their memes, and done a lot more to make the game special. Zavala is still standing in the Tower overlooking the Last City, so he isn’t going anywhere for now. However, Destiny 2 players will be happy to hear that they won’t be hearing Reddick’s voice for the last time in the game.

In its latest This Week at Bungie blog, Bungie confirmed that Reddick has voiced more unreleased content that is still planned for Destiny 2. Zavala will be back in Destiny 2 in the future. How Bungie uses Zavala in Destiny 2 is likely to change in both big and small ways in the future.

Bungie might make some small changes to honor Reddick’s memory. It could make a lot of changes to make sure that Zavala and what voice work is left from Reddick are brought to a good end. It can’t be a simple job, but Bungie developers will gladly take it on.

The Final Shape, the last big expansion for Destiny 2, is set to come out in 2024. It’s not clear what Zavala’s role will be in The Final Shape or in the rest of Destiny 2’s seasonal content.

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It’s not clear how much Reddick has recorded voicework for. But it’s safe to assume that Bungie will give Reddick and Zavala the sendoff they deserve. Destiny 2 is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Chirag Dhariya

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