Joniah Walker Missing Case Update: Is She Found Yet?

In this article, we are going to talk about Joniah Walker’s missing case. This is a case that was started in the year 2022. But till now this case is in the headlines. A girl named Joniah Walker went missing 2 years ago and currently, there is an update regarding her missing case. A lot of people on the internet are currently asking some questions regarding this case. People are asking whether the missing girl has been found yet or not. Is she alive or dead? All these questions have covered the internet at this time. To learn the answers to these questions, so read this article till the end.


Is Joniah Walker Found Yet?

Joniah Walker was a girl who went missing on 23rd June 2022. She went missing from her residence in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Without any explanation, she disappeared. Till now it is a mystery how and why she went disappeared. This case left a big mystery for all the people about how she went missing from her home. Because of this shocking disappearance spread a lot of tension in the minds of her family. When she went missing, it was reported that she stood 5 feet 1 inches and weighed around 100 kg. She has brown eyes and black hair. Also, some little bit details that, she has a scar on her upper lip and she also has scars on both of her ankles.

When Joniah Walker disappeared, she was just 15 years old. Authorities in Milwaukee requested assistance from their public that wherever they see Joniah Walker, so immediately contact 911. She was a young African American girl. Till now the missing girl has not been found, even it is not known whether she is alive or dead.

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The entire story of her missing goes as on 23rd June 2022 in the morning, the mother of Joniah Walker whose name is Tanesha Howard, gave her daughter a hug and kiss before she left for work. After some time, Tanesha called Joniah and told her that her father was picking her up to get a work permit for Honiah’s new job at a pizza place. That was the last time the mother and daughter communicated with each other. Later, Jonah Walker’s father came to get her, but she was not there, She even didn’t answer the call. Then her mother arrived back home in a rush and they asked their neighbors, but there was no clue where she went missing or what happened to her.

Prakash Israni
Prakash Israni

Prakash, the content creator for Techballad, has built a solid reputation for himself over the course of more than ten years of blogging