Integra Essentia Board Declares Bonus Shares In 1:1 Ratio

Integra Essentia Limited is an Indian-based company that is engaged in the business of life essentials. This company was founded in 2007 and it’s headquartered in India. Integra Essentia Ltd shares will be in focus today as the board of directors of the firm has evaluated and authorized bonus shares approval for issuance of bonus shares in a 1:1 ratio, which means one bonus share for each stock carried by the qualified shareholders of the company. Here we have more information about it and we will share it with you in this article.

Integra Essentia

As per the report, the company board also approved ₹100 crore fundraising bid via the distribution of fresh shares. Currently, this news has been making headlines on the internet as lots of people must be super keen to know about Integra Essential bonus shares 2023. Scroll down to the next page for more information about the news.

Integra Essential bonus shares 2023

The small-cap firm announced to the Indian stock market exchange about the issuance of bonus shares citing,” In terms of Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we would like to inform you that the Board of Directors of the Firm in their meeting held today, i.e Monday, 27 November 2023 at the Registered Office of the Company, inter alia, thought and approved the issuance of Bonus issue of equity shares in the ratio of 1: 1 i.e. 01 (One) equity share of Rs. 1/- each for every 1 (One) equity shares of Rs. 1/- each held by the eligible shareholders of the firm as on record date, subject to shareholders and other statutory acceptance.”You are on the right page for more information about the news, so please read the complete article till the end.

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Fundraise via fresh issues

The small-cap company also announced a raise via fresh issues citing,” The board of directors of the firm considered and endorsed to accelerate the development further, issuance and allotment of protection to raise funds for an aggregate amount of up to Rs.100 Crore (Rupees One Hundred Crore), by way of a Preferential Allotment, GDR, ADR, QIP’s, FCCB or any other method or mixture thereof including series of Right Issue(s), each tranche not surpassing Rs. 50 Crore (Rs. Fifty Crores Only) and other useful regulations, guidelines etc. as amended up to date. Here we have shared all the information that we had if we get any information then we will update you soon. Stay tuned to us for more updates.

Gurleen Kaur

I'm a science graduate from the Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria. My passion for writing has brought me to into the field of content.