How to Compare your bank’s fixed deposit rates?

In this article, we will give you the list of banks that offer the big FD rates for deposits which are now up to Rs. 1 crore over various tenures. The Bank Fixed Deposits have continued to be a famous investment product. It is popular in every age group of people. Most people think of investing in Fixed Deposits as it is a much safer and easier option for the public. This is the best option for the people who are looking for the guaranteed income. And we all are aware that investment means risk but in FD there are very less chances of risk that’s why it is the popular option of most of the public.


Compare your bank’s fixed deposit rates

Fixed Deposit (FD) has been the choice of many people for the past many years and it is continuing more now. But we want to clearly state that FDs are not good at all. People have to always assess their asset allocation and goals so that they can decide how much income they want to park in them. People invest in FD for their children’s future education for some other reasons. Most people invest in FD for their child’s higher education which is almost 15 years away. So for that people save their money by doing fixed deposits by thinking that they are going to receive a good amount of interest. So it is not effective because the post-tax interest rate of the FD is not going to give you the real return.


If the plan is to take a holiday in two years in that case FD is going to help you. Before you choose the Fixed Deposit (FD) you should always compare the interest rates on offer. So now read this article till the last to learn about all the banks that are offering the highest FD rates for deposits up to Rs. 1 crore in several tenures.

You should always compare your bank FD rates, the Bank Fixed Deposit (FD) is one of the most popular investments in the public. This is the biggest choice of many people. Many people think to invest in FD by thinking that they are going to receive a great amount of interest. However, people do not compare the interest rate of FD with other bank offers. You should always compare the offers of other banks regarding the FD. When you compare the offers you get to learn about which bank is offering you a promising higher interest rate. So always check it then invest in the correct Fixed Deposit.

Prakash Israni
Prakash Israni

Prakash, the content creator for Techballad, has built a solid reputation for himself over the course of more than ten years of blogging