Heardle Decades Answers – 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s & 2010s

Some of today’s Heardle Decades answers are extremely difficult, with even music experts struggling to identify each track. If you find Heardle to be too general or all-encompassing, Heardle Decades is the perfect alternative, allowing you to choose which musical era you’re most knowledgeable about.

Heardle Decades provides a new answer every day, making it a wonderful way to stimulate the mind in the morning or engage in friendly competition with friends and family.

However, the Heardle Decades answers can be difficult at times, and if you don’t want to risk losing your winning streak or look foolish in front of your friends, all you have to do is keep reading this guide to get the complete set of Heardle Decades answers for today.

What Exactly is Heardle Decades?

Heardle Decades is an expansion of the now-discontinued Heardle game, which was incredibly popular. It applies the Wordle format to the world of music, providing you with tiny sequential snippets of a new song every day that you must decipher with as few guesses as possible.

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The Decades variant divides the game into distinct time periods, providing songs released within a ten-year span to enable players to demonstrate their true musical expertise. Are you a child of the 70s at heart? Then the Seventies section of Heardle Decades is ideal for you. You’ll have six chances to determine the answer, so you’d better act quickly before the clock runs out and the solution is revealed.

Heardle Decades Answers – 29 June 2023

Here is a comprehensive list of today’s Heardle Decades answers for the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, and 2010s games.

DecadeAnswer Today
50sDean Martin – That’s Amore
60sBobby Rydell – The Wild One
70sLed Zeppelin – Whole Lotta Love
80sDiana Ross – Chain Reaction
90sLisa Stansfield – You Can’t Deny It
2000sRihanna – Disturbia

Olly Murs – Dance with Me Tonight

This concludes today’s Heardle Decades answers, which provide solutions for each decade featured in the game.

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Chirag Dhariya

Hey there, guys. I am chirag. I enjoy writing on topics related to my interests in gaming and technology. My work has attracted a dedicated fan base thanks to the fresh and unexpected angle I bring to each piece.