Eloa Pimentel Death Cause: Nayara Lost One Eye Sight

In this article, we are going to tell you about the Eloa Pimental hostage crisis case. This is a case of the year 2008 when a 15-year-old named Eloa Pimental was kidnapped and later found dead. Yes, this is a true story. This case is known as one of the most shocking cases till now. The name Eloa was at the top of the headlines in the year 2008 because of her death. Her kidnap was not normal because she was held hostage by her ex-boyfriend. Now read this entire article to know everything about her death case. We request you do not miss any line of this article.


Eloa Pimentel Death

Eloa Pimentel Death Cause

A 15-year-old girl named Eloa Pimental who was a resident of Brazil was kidnapped in the year 2008 and then later she was found dead. According to the information provided by Insights, she was held hostage by her ex-boyfriend, Lindemberg Alves. She was held inside her house for many days. It has been said that her case has been referred to as the Eloa Pimentel hostage crisis. When she was found dead, her name came into the media and started surrounding on several popular media channels. In today’s time, this case is known as a very horrible case and because of the popularity of this song, there is a separate Wikipedia of this case which is a very big thing.

As per the source, this case was started on 13th October 2008 when the ex-boyfriend of Eloa Pimental entered her house which was located in Santo Andre, Sao Paulo. He was there with a gun, holding her, and others hostage. At the time of this hostage situation, there were negotiations to secure the release of the hostages but unfortunately, the standoff continued for many days. Scroll down to the next paragraph of this article.

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Even after a lot of efforts to save the hostage, the situation did not become calm and then finally it ended up being violent. Eloa Pimental was kidnapped on 13th October 2008 and then she was killed on 18th October 2008. The operation held by the police officials was done to free the hostages. Lindermberg Alves the suspect was in a fit of rage. He shot and fatally wounded Eloa Pimental. Another hostage named Nayara Rodrigues was alive but she was badly injured. Eloa died just at the age of 15. Even the pictures of victims went viral that year and a lot of people were in a big shock after watching the pictures.

Prakash Israni
Prakash Israni

Prakash, the content creator for Techballad, has built a solid reputation for himself over the course of more than ten years of blogging