In Diablo 4, there are seven distinct Gem varieties, each with five distinct qualities. As the quality of a Gem increases, so do its effects, and players who wish to optimize the power of their characters should strive to upgrade their Gems to the greatest extent possible. This guide explains how and at what level players can enhance their Gems in Diablo 4.
There are five distinct Gem qualities: Rough, Chipped, Standard, Flawless, and Royal. With the assistance of a Jeweler, a Diablo 4 NPC that can be located in many towns, including Kyovashad, players can switch between these qualities. In fact, the Jeweler can transform three gems into a single gem of the next caliber if the player has sufficient gold and is of the appropriate level.
Regarding the levels required to execute Gem upgrades, the following is a comprehensive breakdown:
- Crude to Chipped: Level 20
- Chipped to Standard: Level 40
- Standard to Flawless: Level 60
- Flawless to Royal: Level 70
Note that the level requirements for Flawless and Royal Gems are 50 and 60, respectively. Therefore, Diablo 4 players can equip these Gems prior to being able to craft them at the Jeweler, provided they obtain them from an alternative source.

Do you know that Whoopi Goldberg, a co-host on “The View” and a veteran performer, was disappointed to hear that she couldn’t play Diablo 4 on her Apple Mac? The actor explained in a video posted to her Instagram account that she purchased Diablo 4 prior to learning that it is incompatible with Macs:
Despite the fact that Flawless Gems are the best option at the time of writing, data miners have discovered evidence of three Gems with superior quality in the game files. There is presently no confirmed information regarding the effects and availability of these Gems, though it would not be surprising if they were eventually craftable at Levels 80, 90, and 100.
Even if all of a player’s socketed Gems in Diablo 4 are Flawless, they are advised to continue collecting Gems, as they may prove beneficial in the future. The lack of a Gem bag in Diablo 4 can make this collection somewhat difficult, as climax players may already be running out of storage space.
Perhaps these issues will be resolved at the same time as the release of the three Gems Beyond Flawless, and it won’t be long before fans have new methods to manage their Gem stashes. For the time being, players must overcome the obstacles that come with possessing a large Gem collection.