Destiny 2: The Final Shape Trailer- Prepare for the Big Event!

A teaser trailer for Destiny 2: The Final Shape, the “final chapter of the Light & Darkness Saga,” was released by Bungie on May 24, 2023. On May 25, 2023, Bungie announced that Nathan Fillion would return as Cayde-6 in Destiny 2: The Final Shape.

One of Destiny’s most beloved characters, Cayde-6, returns unexpectedly. Cayde, the witty Hunter voiced by Nathan Fillion before Uldren Sov killed him, has been gone from Destiny for four expansions. In Destiny 2’s Tower, players can visit his heartfelt memorial.

She says sadly-

“The CGI trailer begins with Warlock chief Ikora Rey staring into a campfire, talking to Cayde as if he’s still alive. You’ve missed so much. I wish you could have been there.”

He says-

“Then Cayde appears sat next to the campfire, holding his famous handgun, Ace of Spades. Yeah, me too, kiddo, But hey, I’m here now… wherever the hell here is.”

Do you know that the Detroit video game teaser provides a riveting view into a world of futuristic technology, human emotions, and the fight for freedom? The teaser begins with a picture of the Detroit skyline in 2038, followed by footage of a robotic humanoid walking down the street. Please click on the links provided below to continue reading-

Below is a teaser trailer for Destiny 2, entitled The Final Shape-

YouTube video

It appears like Fillion is back in his old role. Is this Cayde’s spirit speaking, or has he been resurrected? With Destiny on your side, anything may happen. There is no logic to any of it at all.

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In 2018, I spoke with Bungie, and they confirmed that the Forsaken expansion to Destiny 2 permanently killed Cayde.”We’re not trying to trick you,” they assured me. Here we are, five years later. On August 22nd, there will be a Destiny demonstration where further information will be revealed.

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Riyana Taylor

My enthusiasm for writing and staying up to date with tech news has brought me to, where I am proud to be an Editor. My ambition is to become one of the most renowned and successful writers across the globe.