How to Start Up the ‘Return to Castlevania’ DLC in Dead Cells

How’s this for circuitous? DLC for Castlevania, the side-scrolling action series that unmistakably inspired Dead Cells, the side-scrolling rogue-lite, is now available for Dead Cells. We could continue doing this all day, I guess. The point is that the latest Dead Cells Castlevania expansion is fantastic.

Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania features two new biomes, a battle against, and a reasonable dose of fan service. No spoilers here, but let’s say You Know Who if you’re familiar with the Castlevania video game series.

Nonetheless, the expansion is quite puzzling, like everything else in Dead Cells! You’ll recognize the format once you’re in the new biomes (find weapons, kill things, try not to die). The problem is with starting the Dead Cells Castlevania DLC.

How to Start Dead Cells’ Return to Castlevania’ DLC

You must die three times to start a new playthrough before accessing the Dead Cells DLC. A swarm of bats will fly over your screen in your next life. You should know that the bats you’re looking for are far more significant than those that occasionally flutter out of Dead Cells’ tunnels. And more crimson.

dead cells castlevania
                                                                               dead cells Castlevania

You caHe’sgin Return to CastPrisoner’s to speak to Richter once you spot those bats. He’s someplace in the Prisoner’s Richter’s where all runs start. Before leaving the biome, speak with Richter. (Richter’s exact location is unknown; a new level is randomly generated each time you reset Dead Cells.)

You can read some of our previous posts where we talk about different games and their future release dates:

Also Read:  Black Myth Wu Kong Release Date: Is Expected To Be Out In Summer 2024?

When you finally reCastle’s Outskirts biome, Richter will guide you via several pathways. Castle’s Outskirts is an alternative route for your Dead Cells runs’ in the second biome.

The other alternatives are toxic Sewers, tyou’domenade of the CondPrisoner’s Dilapidated Arboretum. Because of this, you’d be wise to search Prisoner’s Quarters for as many level-ups as you can find before moving on.

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