Fact check: Is Dato Malik Arrested By MACC?

Dato Malik, whose real name is Abdul Malik Dasthigeer, has been arrested by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). This arrest was made under the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing, and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 (Amla). Dato Malik, the founder, and chairman of the Malik Group of Companies is a prominent Malaysian media mogul, businessman, and philanthropist. He has made significant contributions to various industries, including streaming, property, movies, production & distribution, as well as organizing Tamil concerts in Malaysia.

Dato Malik

Is Dato Malik Arrested By MACC?

Dato Malik, born in 1982, has been recognized for his achievements with prestigious awards such as the Pingat Jasa Kebaktian and the Darjah Indera Mahkota Pahang. His upbringing in the Masjid India area of Kuala Lumpur fueled his passion for the business world. Apart from his successful ventures, Dato Malik is also involved in charity work and has engaged in political activities. These endeavors have made him a significant figure in Malaysia’s business and social landscape.

The arrest of Dato Malik by MACC has attracted considerable attention, with social media sharing reaching as high as 5.3k. However, due to the ongoing investigation, further details regarding the alleged misconduct and charges against him are yet to be disclosed. It is speculated that the arrest may be related to issues concerning money laundering, terrorism financing, or proceeds of unlawful activities. As the investigation unfolds, it is crucial to stay informed through reliable news sources from Malaysia.

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, formerly known as the Anti-Corruption Agency, is the government agency responsible for investigating and prosecuting corruption in both public and private sectors in Malaysia. Inspired by renowned anti-corruption agencies around the world, including the ICAC in Hong Kong and the ICAC in New South Wales, Australia, MACC aims to maintain transparency, uphold integrity, and safeguard citizens’ rights.

To ensure the efficacy and independence of MACC, five oversight bodies closely monitor its operations. These bodies include the Anti-Corruption Advisory Board, the Special Committee on Corruption, the Complaints Committee, the Operations Review Panel, and the Corruption Consultation and Prevention Panel. Chief Commissioner Azam Baki, who took office on March 9, 2020, leads MACC in combatting corruption and promoting a transparent and accountable society in Malaysia.

The arrest of Dato Malik by MACC has raised numerous questions and garnered significant public attention. While the specific reasons for his arrest have not been disclosed, it is essential to rely on credible news sources and official statements from MACC for accurate information on the ongoing investigation. As Malaysia continues its fight against corruption. Keep checking back with us for more updates.

Gurleen Kaur

I'm a science graduate from the Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria. My passion for writing has brought me to into the field of content.