Was Aurore Bergé Involved In An Accident? Injury and Health Update

Many people on the internet are curious to know what happened to Aurore Bergé. If she was involved in an accident? This question may be swirling in everyone’s mind. Her accident news has gone viral, leaving people keen to know her injury and health details. The Parisian recently claimed that the National Assembly spokesperson for La Republique en Marche Aurore Bergé was involved in an accident during the night of Tuesday and Wednesday, in Essonne. Therefore, everyone is curiously seeking details of her accident and health condition. Let’s delve into the details and learn what happened to her. Continue reading this article for more information. Drag down.

Aurore Bergé

Was Aurore Bergé Involved In An Accident?

For the Yvelines department, Aurore Bergé has served as the National Assembly’s 10th constituency since 2017. In addition, she is also a close ally of Emmanuel Macron. Formerly, she worked as a member of the Republicans till 2017 when she went on to join La Republique En Marche. For one year she also oversaw the delegation of the party in the National Assembly. For the unversed, Aurore Bergé was also a part of a Popular Movement in 2002 which changed into The Republicans in 2015. She has worked as a municipal council member for Magny-les-Hameaux. During the 2017 presidential election, Aurore Bergé showed her support for Alian Juppe. Shift to the next section and read more details.

Speaking of her accident, The Parisian claimed that the accident took place near Villiers-le-Bacle when the driver lost control and collided with a ditch. Furthermore, The Parisian added, “Stuck in her car, Aurore Bergé had to be extricated by the firefighters,” suggesting that the elected official was rushed to a hospital located in Yvelines “for examinations.” Reportedly, Aurore Bergé sustained only minor injuries in the crash. She is fine now and doing well in her life.

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In 2017, Bergé joined the La République En Marche. Nevertheless, she also explained her party change in a column that was published in L’Obs. She defeated the sitting Christian Democrat Jean-Frédéric Poisson at the 2017 parliamentary election in the Yvelines 10th constituency. In 2020, she was a front-runner to take Le Gendre’s seat as the group’s chair. However, She did not prevail over Christophe Castaner, the former interior minister. From 2017 to 2019, Bergé worked as a spokesperson for her parliamentary group under the succeeding group chiefs Richard Ferrand and Gilles Le Gendre. Stay tuned to this website for more details.

Amzad Khan
Amzad Khan

Hey there, guys. I am Amzad Khan. I enjoy writing on topics related to my interests in gaming and technology. My work has attracted a dedicated fan base thanks to the fresh and unexpected angle I bring to each piece.